Fire Drill at IDB Bhaban Complex

Management Authority of IDB Bhaban Complex, in collaboration with Fire Service and Civil Defence Department, conducted a fire safety and emergency evacuation drill for the occupants of IDB Bhaban on Sunday, 12 May 2024. 

The drill was arranged as a part of the continuous efforts to ensure workplace safety and security, said the press release. Such drills are essential in enhancing the readiness of building occupants to respond efficiently and safely in the event of an actual emergency.

Management Authority of IDB Bhaban said that the safety and security of the tenants of the building is the top priority. They are always vigilant to ensure the safety and security of every person in this building and such drills can save lives during a crisis. That's why the Authority conduct fire drill regular basis. It is encouraging that the tenants participate in the drill spontaneously and show interest in learning life-saving firefighting tips from the senior officials of the Fire Service and Civil Defence Department.

Mr. Fakhruddin, a senior official of Fire Service and Civil Defence Department, led the Drill. After finishing the Fire Drill, he mentioned that the IDB Bhaban Complex is well equipped to deal with any kind of emergency.